What is baptism?

Baptism is simply a step of obedience for believers that serves as a public declaration of one’s belief in Jesus and commitment to follow him as His disciple. When we are completely immersed in the water, it is a symbol of our sharing in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ - we are “buried” in the water and then we are “raised again” to a new life. It is an outward display of the inward experience of our faith, much like a wedding ring outwardly displays the internal covenant of marriage.

Who can be baptized?

Anyone who has placed their faith in trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior can be baptized. We encourage any who were baptized as infants or in a baptism other than immersion to follow Christ in obedience through a “believer’s baptism.”

What about young children?

We certainly believe that there are young children who are ready to publicly present themselves for baptism. However, we also know that some children are often ready to please parents or to imitate other children’s decisions, and this can lead them to ask about baptism maybe before they are truly spiritually ready. There is no one age where children become “ready”; it can very widely, and every individual case is different. Because we know this is difficult to know with certainty, we offer occasional baptism classes through our children's ministry for both parents and children to understand and evaluate better this important decision.

Interested in talking with a pastor or in signing up for a date to be baptized?

Simply fill out the form below.